Gold Medalist in the 2022 Independent Publishers’ Book Awards

Published on June 29, 2021

Blooming in Winter

When Pam Valois met her in the 1970s, Jacomena Maybeck was a model of zestful, hands-on living and aging, still tarring roofs and splitting logs in her seventies. Pam was a young working mother trying to carve out time for creative projects, and Jackie became her mentor. Their friendship led to a best-selling book, Gifts of Age, that features her portrait and those of other exemplary women in the winters of their lives. 


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About Pam

Growing up in Sierra Madre, CA, Pam Valois moved north to attend UC Berkeley during the Free Speech Movement. After almost flunking out due to political rallies and other interests—birth control pills had just been offered—she returned to Los Angeles to become a dental hygienist. Then, with a solid part-time job, she could enjoy being a quasi-hippie, selling macramé and her photos at weekend craft fairs. Pam married psychologist Lloyd Linford on the lawn of Jacomena Maybeck’s Berkeley cottage and studied photography with Ruth Bernhard in San Francisco.

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